Live the life you really want - master your 7 Natural Powers

7 natural powers power up
Master the 7 Natural Powers

We all have dreams and ambitions for our lives; to achieve success, make an impact, experience greater fulfilment and live a life of true happiness. But so often it feels like we're on the wrong path or that opportunities never seem to come our way.

The truth is, there are probably more opportunities out there than you realise – but the key to seizing them is being able to recognise them when they arise.

The first step in doing that is mastering the 7 Natural Powers. These are the essential building blocks of creating a life you love, and when used together they can help you take control of your destiny and create the future you really want.

Let's take a look at what each power entails:

1. Vision Power – Living purposely by making better use of your strengths and doing more of what you enjoy, so that you can experience greater success, happiness, and fulfilment.

2. Growth Power – Increase your agility and willingness to change, learn new ideas quickly and easily put them into action. This opens you up to new opportunities.

3. Emotional Power – Mastering your emotions, reducing stress, staying calm under pressure and being able to take on new challenges with ease.

4. Belief Power – Shed those limiting and disempowering beliefs that prevent you from performing at your best and increase your certainty in yourself and your abilities.

5. Mind Power – Cultivating a winning mindset that will substantially increase your personal confidence and allow you to tap into your natural abilities when necessary.

6. Physiological Power – Using the body as a natural device to tap more of those resourceful feelings and improve your well-being and health through physical activities like yoga or exercise.

7. Brand Power – Creating a meaningful, personal brand that will differentiate you and increase your influence and impact.

When you take the time to really understand each of these powers, you can begin to use them in tandem so they create a powerful ripple effect throughout your life.

For example, if you have a clear vision for what you want out of life but lack the confidence or belief in yourself to make it happen, focusing on mastering Emotional Power and Belief Power will boost those aspects.

So when setting goals for yourself or mapping out a plan for success, be sure to consider all 7 Natural Powers – as this will give you the best chance of achieving true fulfilment in every area of your life.

You don't have to tackle them all at once, just focus on one power at a time and slowly build up the others as you go.

Remember that the key to living the life you really want is mastering these 7 Natural Powers – so make sure you dedicate some time each day to cultivating each one.

With dedication and self-awareness, you can create a bright future for yourself and increase your influence, impact, happiness and overall wellbeing.

Don't wait until tomorrow – start taking control of your life today by mastering the 7 Natural Powers. With them on your side, you'll be well on your way to living the life of your dreams.

You have the power to make it happen – so go out there, take action and create the future you truly want.

Ready to take the Power Up journey? Discover our different paths to Power Up here.

Want to see whether you’re ready to Power Up your career? Rate your 7 Natural Powers using our scorecard today (it takes less than two minutes). Click here to get started.