Am I in the right business? How to find your passion

business motivation passion
Confused business person

Have you ever found yourself questioning whether you're in the right business? Or thinking that perhaps doing what you do isn't all it's cracked up to be?

It's common for many people who own businesses to feel the same. In this post, we explore why you may have those doubts and give you practical advice to help you get clear on your direction, discover your true passion and make the changes necessary to thrive.

The problem

If you have been in business a while, it's natural to lose some of the excitement that comes when you start. In those early days of the business it feels like everything is going in the right direction, you're making money and it feels like it will always be an upward trajectory.

But then growth slows and instead of excitement, you're left dealing with payroll, VAT and dealing with customer service. It's during these moments when you need to call on inspiration that it leaves you wondering - is this it?

The problem is that when you have doubts about your business, it can lead to leave you feeling low and bring your business to a halt. Not ideal.

However, it's important to recognize that the problem may not lie with the business itself. You may have a good business – it just doesn't align with your true passions and goals.

Instead of it feeling like a struggle, imagine feeling a sense of fulfilment and joy every day as you work on projects or activities that excite you. Picture working in a business where hard work doesn't feel like hard work because you're doing what you love.

You can achieve this by aligning your business with your intrinsic motivation and passion.

Understanding your motivation

To figure out if you're in the right business, you need to explore your deepest level of motivation. Look beyond external factors like success, security and money. Instead, focus on what drives you as an individual.

Here are four ways you can discover what truly motivates you:

  • Reflect on your intrinsic motivation – ask yourself some soul-searching questions. What activities do you genuinely enjoy? What gives you a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment? What makes time fly by because you're so engrossed in it? Identify the tasks that bring you the most joy and make note of them.
  • Keep a journal – bring greater awareness to how you feel about what you do, keep a daily journal for a few weeks. Note down those activities you enjoy and those that you dread. Consider what turns your smile on and what turns it off. By doing this, you will notice patterns and identify the areas that energise and excite you.
  • Realign your focus – if you find you spend a significant amount of time on tasks that drain you, it's time to make changes. You need to realign your focus to work only on those tasks or activities that give you energy. Delegate or outsource tasks that don't align with your passion. This way, you can spend more time on working on what you enjoy.
  • Identify your ideal clients – think about the clients or customers you are best suited to serve. By attracting clients who align with your personality and style, you will gain greater satisfaction. For example, if you thrive in a certain sector, focus your efforts there rather than spreading yourself too thin.

If you are worried that you may be in the wrong business, working through these four activities will give you clarity on your next move.

Finding your passion and aligning your business to your passion is the key to long-term fulfilment and success. By reflecting on your intrinsic motivation, keeping a journal, and making necessary adjustments, you can reignite your excitement for your business.

It may not be about closing down your business or changing your entire business. It may be as simple as adjusting how you work within it. Enjoying the journey is as important as the result. Embrace this process of self-discovery and watch your business thrive.


Ready to find your passion in business? The Power Up program is designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners to develop the mindset, skills and behaviours they need to succeed in business. Discover more about the program here.